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One of the crucial parts of a vehicle to perform better is fuel tank maintenance. The main goal in cleaning the tank is to restore the tank environment to the same state before it was driven off. Fuel tanks are designed to keep the engine’s fuel vented, secure, and clean. 1 They also provide space for small amounts of water, sediment, and other contaminants to settle down so as to not be drawn into equipment tank or vehicle as fuel is pumped out.
It is imperative to ensure that the fuel oil storage tank is cleaned at regular intervals; because a dirty tank could lead to severe risks and hazards such as (1) fire and explosion from the accumulation of fuel residue over the time; (2) degradation of the fuel quality due to accumulation of sediments and moisture; and (3) rusting of tank due to moisture and collection of water inside the tank which leads to damage and seepage.2
Fuel tank cleaning and maintenance is one of the procedures that is a high-risk task and therefore should be done by trained and well-experienced professionals. Hence, NeoBros’s CLEANTANKS system is designed to clean fuel tanks, remove water and particulates from Bio-diesel, E-10 Gasoline, Jet Fuel, and Kerosene down to engine manufacturer’s ISO fuel cleanliness levels – ensuring that the adherence to safety measures is applied.
1 Stephens H Robertson Follow. (2015, July 10). Importance of a Clean Fuel Tank. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from
2 Importance of Fuel Oil Storage Tank Cleaning. (2017, July 21). Retrieved October 26, 2017, from