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Ethanol and biodiesel are two of the great examples of naturally occurring materials which compound an eco-friendly fuel. This type of fuel is considered ecologically friendly as its production and use has a minimum impact on the environment which suppresses the release of harmful gases that results from high percentage of carbon and hydrocarbons.1
With the rising demand and pressure on the automobile industry in developing an alternative fuel that has less impact on the environment, ethanol has become a viable alternative to petrol. It is made from the fermentation of crops such as sugarcane and soybean. It is also known to be significantly less polluting than petrol because it doesn’t produce sulfur dioxide or lead emissions.2
As a result of using “green” or eco-friendly fuel such as ethanol, automobiles exhaust much cleaner gases as it burns more cleanly with its more complete combustion. Also, positive energy balance can also be achieved with the use of ethanol-blended fuels that can reduce the net emissions of greenhouse gasses by as much as 37.1%.3
1 Prateek006 Follow. (2015, April 21). Eco-friendly fuels. Retrieved October 25, 2017, from
2 Green Fuels. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2017, from
3 Milieu, M. V. (2017, July 26). Policy on eco-friendly transport fuels - Eco-friendly fuels for transport. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from